Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seminar question unit 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Seminar question unit 4 - Assignment Example Nutrition screening can benefit the prevention of heart diseases through identifying the nutritional characteristics related to the heart diseases (Bernstein & Luggen, 2011). Studies have indicated that one of the key prevention measures to reduce the alarming rate of mortality due to heart diseases is through good understanding of the right diet for the body. Consequently, nutrition screening in this area will identify individuals with high level of density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol that is responsible for accumulation of plaque in the arteries increasing the risks for heart attack. The identification of the heart related nutritional problems would use a criteria based on diet, height and weight, obesity, and diagnosis to determine the blood pressure level. This will benefit the patient by primarily determining their vulnerability to the heart diseases (Bernstein & Luggen, 2011). In addition, the patient will learn on how to adopt an appropriate diet strategy for sufficient vitamins, nutrients, and calories in the body. Consequently, patients will not only reduce risk of heart diseases, but also improve the body’s immune

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