Thursday, February 6, 2020

African Americans Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

African Americans - Term Paper Example Harriet Tubman was a strong African-American woman born in servitude. Both of her parents toiled as slaves in Maryland. During her development, she endured a harsh life as she was subjected to whipping from a tender age. When she entered into adulthood, she realized that she could be sold as a slave as it was a norm at that time (Siebert, & Hart, 2006). Therefore, in 1849 she decided to escape to Philadelphia with the assistance of an abolitionist. During that period, there were few white people who were against slavery and they helped to free slaves. Harriet was handed a note by her abolitionist neighbor that contained two names that would direct her to a safe place. Harriet was joined by other blacks and went to Subversive Railroad, which were houses. After her escape, she met with other abolitionists whom they planned on how to free other slaves who were left behind. Due to her resilient in fighting slavery, Harriet became the leading abolitionist before the civil war (Lillian, n.d.). The particular event by Harriet was significant in America as it showed her resilience to free other slaves. Her character also gave hope to slaves as they felt that they had a person to fight for them and also keep them safe. In 1877, America witnessed the first person of color ever to graduate in the military academy in the country’s history. Henry Ossian, who was born in slavery, made history by being the first person of color to graduate from West point. During his years in the academy, he never had any contact with a white cadet. The Academy was the preliminary military school to be established in the US. The primary reason the military school was built was to educate and train young men theory and practice of military science. Before Henry was admitted to the military school, there was another black American named James Webster. Although, James was admitted to the military school he never graduated. However, Henry endured all

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