Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Research Study On Moravian College - 1120 Words

The Lehigh Valley is home to Allentown,Bethlehem, and Easton, as well as educational institutions such as Moravian College; in short, the Lehigh Valley, specifically Bethlehem is known for its diversity. In this research paper I will focus on Moravian College, its population and their interaction with each other when they are walking around the campus. In this research, I anticipate that while observing men and women of similar ages, men will tend to be more distracted and focused on just one topic, while women will be walking closer to each other and talking about multiple subjects. Both men and female will follow certain social norms that they were born into without realizing it. For this observation, I hypothesize that men will most†¦show more content†¦During this time of the day, there were many men and women also know as college students walking to their dorms with a group of friends and peers. To my own advantage, I was able to sit on a hammock which gave me the perfe ct view to see men and women come from different directions. In other words, it was rather easy to identify sidewalk behavior without making it obvious that I was making such observations. In this first attempt, in order to come up with the correct data, I counted all the men and all the women who were walking down the hill into their dorms, the number of single groups, the mixed groups, and everyone who was walking alone. Because no one noticed that I was observing their sidewalk behavior they didn’t do anything that would have affected my conclusion and data. Additionally, the second and final observation of my research took place in front of the Haupert Union Building otherwise known as the HUB. This observation took place on Tuesday, September 29,2015. The observation began at 7:00AM and concluded at 7:30AM. As many may or may not already know, Tuesdays are lab days for half of the student body at Moravian College , which means that this observation lacked the presence of students and as a consequence my data might have been affected by such student absence. To further describe the location

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