Friday, September 13, 2019

Interview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interview Paper - Essay Example She was asked about the degree of knowledge that would be required by an individual who would be venturing into this field and choosing it as a career path. She was also asked what it was that she looked for when hiring new employees. The interview was very effective in getting an idea into the world of real estate. The subject is no doubt a very vastly practiced one, and the services are used by an individual at least once in their life time and yet there are dimensions of this field that are unknown by the common man. The field is very diverse and encompasses a variety of different aspects. Price and value of land will vary regardless of size and shape based on other aspects such as location, commercialization soil quality and other such factors. The market trend keeps changing and is very similar to the stock exchange. Far out locations and various apartment buildings and investments to such housing schemes require a great deal of research n the part of the real estate agent. The displaying and placing of the right priced, with in budget house and/or land with potential buyers is also a very tedious job as all individuals do not belong to the same socio economic statuses. Ms Delores when asked about her assessment of the market trend and potential employees was kind enough to spill the beans.

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