Monday, September 23, 2019

Write your own topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write your own topic - Essay Example This refers to either a path or a method of doing things. This refers to the idealness that Confucius expects of the world. This may refer to a benevolent, peaceful, and culturally distinguished living place. Similarly, it describes an ideal government that should manage the welfare of individuals. Confucius holds a moral ideal that every individual should pursue. When every person in a community pursues such an ideal, this eventually reflect in other spheres of life. Confucius’ text informs the members of a community to improve their character and properly shape their thoughts. In the end, members of a community can cure the rot that exists in their economic, social, and political systems. Confucius writes at the backdrop of a dysfunctional society that suppresses its individuals. This forms his foundation for forming an ideal that individuals should pursue. When individuals pursue this ideal, they help create harmony in the society. Harmony refers to aspects such as the clearing of class differences and the elimination of suppression through

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