Thursday, September 26, 2019

Schools Form the Backbones of the Educational Systems Essay

Schools Form the Backbones of the Educational Systems - Essay Example Is it the quality of the professional teachers or principal that comprise the faculty? Is it the methodology of teaching used, the inclusion of sports programs or the spiritual and moral development of the students? Few educators have reviewed the evidence from research that has contributed to the development of the best schools and that bring forth a supply of open-minded, healthy and enthusiastic people into the society. However, a look at the inspection results recently released by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in Dubai, most schools are not managed well, at least not in terms of productive teaching and student outcomes. In a survey conducted by KHDA, about 10% of the schools in Dubai are running well with a satisfactory level of teaching, learning, and management (Sambidge, 2009). This is a grievous situation and therefore important that research is conducted in order to explore the reasons for such a condition in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This research question aims to find how decisions related to the curriculum, teaching methods, classroom scheduling, discipline policy, the introduction of new courses or subjects are made in UAE schools. The question seeks to understand how the decision making the role of the school management, school principal, teachers, students, and student’s families interface. The data will clarify whether and how the participative decision is being used in schools. This study will determine whether participation of the teachers in the decision-making process has to lead to the development of a better curriculum, better methodology, or better overall quality of teaching so that the students are able to experience higher achievement. The study will elaborate the impact of participative decision making on morale and satisfaction among teachers, motivation towards teaching and commitment to their jobs.

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