Monday, September 9, 2019

Leadership theories, leadership style and skills Essay

Leadership theories, leadership style and skills - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that leadership is a sequence, a process which has different elements intact to it, prevailing towards the successful attributes of a true leadership quality. These elements of leadership are of three types- the leader, the following group or the followers and finally the substance. Leadership qualities are measured on the basis of employees’ performance and their job satisfaction. A leader can be called a successful torch bearer only if his/her followers equally contribute towards the growth of an organization. Leadership in itself is an important quality but there are certain factors which define the true leadership qualities a leader should possess. These essential components to developing leadership qualities at par are: a) Setting an example and motivating others, b) Finding a solution to doubts and ambiguities, c) Being ethical, d) Bringing in the desired change, and e) Managing cultural assortment. Teams and groups have become an important part of an organization and different leadership theories have greatly influenced such practice. Leadership and its role within a team greatly inspire the organizational culture and also ensure that the team attains success and the overall output is effective. A leader has certain important leadership traits such integrity, self-confidence, intelligence, and determination. Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos can be said to be the pioneers of innovation, visionary and determined personalities to bring about a change in the way business functions.... It, somehow fails to explain the same in case of people who possess the traits of leadership but are not the leaders (Leader today, 2012). Contingency Theory: This theory believes that there is no single solution to leadership attributes as it may vary from time to time. The style of leadership may change from one form to another depending on the situation. This theory emphasises on the two leadership styles, the task-oriented and people-oriented (McShane, Glinow, & Sharma, p. 465). Further, leadership approach is said to be affected by various internal & external factors. Situational Theory: Situational theory of leadership exhorts that for an emphatic leadership the two valuable aspects to be considered at the time of decision making are management and leadership deed. This theory comprises four styles of leadership which are namely: Delegating, Telling, Participating and Coaching (Betathetapi, n.d). Behavioural Theory: This theory puts forth the idea of leadership on the basis of behavioural pattern depicted by the leaders in various situations. This theory also consist four contrasting leadership styles and these are: Responsibility of task, Responsibility of people, Directive Leadership, and Participative Leadership (Infed, 2011). Transformational Theory Transformational leaders not only contribute towards the growth prosperity of the organisation but also inculcate the organisation’s cultural and other values in their followers (Marquis, Huston, 2009, p. 43). Democratic Leadership Theory Democratic leadership style encourages and supports the people. It believes in creating an environment in the organisation where the employees are motivated to indulge themselves in building

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